Working with Users

Roles and Authorizations

To manage the roles and authorization of a user, click on the Roles and Authorization tab on the Manage Users page (which can be accessed by clicking Users, then Manage Users).


Two types of roles can be assigned: organizational roles and course roles.


Organizational roles define what a user can access and change in the organization. An organizational role, when applied to a user, is applicable throughout the entire LMS.

·      Administrator: An Administrator has full access to the znanja LMS, including creating and modifying users and groups, creating and editing courses, and viewing and modifying all settings. 

·      Instructional Designer: An Instructional Designer can create new courses and can edit any courses assigned to them within the organization. They cannot view reports for other students unless they are given additional privileges via course roles. They cannot access any settings for the organization.

·      Content Creator: A Content Creator can create new courses. Upon creating a course, they are given the Editor role which allows them to then edit the courses that they create. They cannot edit any other courses and cannot view reports for other students unless they are given additional privileges via course roles. They cannot access any settings for the organization.


Course roles are assigned on a per-course basis and give a user certain permissions within specific courses.

·      Editor: An editor can edit the content of the assigned course.

·      Instructor: An instructor can edit the content of the assigned course and can also manage user access and view reports for the students enrolled in that course.